Fresh Roses

Native and Wild flowers


Valentines Day Flower Delivery

Everlasting Dried Flowers


Get Well

Graduation Flowers

Wedding Flowers


  • Meadow Everlasting Mini Cloche (sold out )
    AU $0.00
    Order Now
  • Scented Pastel Garden Arrangement(SOLD OUT NOW)
    AU $0.00
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If you’re looking for a contemporary floral gift, you’re in luck – at Magnolia & Rose Florist 2210 we can deliver the perfect contemporary flowers, whatever the occasion.

Our selection of floral gifts delivered across Lugarno and surrounding areas, includes a wide choice of on trend stems. We offer bright, vibrant arrangements featuring exotic flowers that make a statement in any home, through to avant-garde arrangements using the latest in vogue flowers, delivered in containers that are equally stylish. Or why not opt for clean white that provides a chic complement to feature walls and kaleidoscopic patterns.

Whatever contemporary flowers you choose, we’ll hand select the best blooms for you, ensuring the best possible quality. We’ll also deliver by hand, with same day delivery available for orders placed before 2pm.