Fresh Roses

Native and Wild flowers


Valentines Day Flower Delivery

Everlasting Dried Flowers


Get Well

Graduation Flowers

Wedding Flowers

Funeral Sprays


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Few funeral flowers provide as fitting a tribute as floral sprays. Available in a range of colours and styles – or in the flowers of your choice – our sprays are handcrafted by the Magnolia & Rose florist 2210 team of expert florists to lay flat on top of a coffin, next to a casket or on the graveside. We include free stands for your arrangement to be displayed.

The perfect expression of love, all of our funeral sprays contain only the freshest flowers and are delivered by hand by our own delivery team across Lugarno and all of the surrounding areas.

To discuss your funeral spray requirements don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone or by email – we’re here to help.