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  • M & R Beautiful Garden Sympathy Wreaths
    AU $200.00
    Order Now
  • M & R Anzac/Remembrance Wreath
    AU $150.00
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The perfect floral tribute to send to a funeral as a mark of respect, wreaths are perhaps the best known of all  Magnolia & Rose Florist 2210 funeral flowers.

An enduringly popular and fitting sympathy option – the circular shape symbolises never ending love and emotion – wreaths are available in a wide range of traditional and contemporary designs, as well as a large choice of colours, ensuring there’s a wreath suitable for every funeral. If you would like a wreath made using specific flowers or in a certain style just let us know and we’ll work with you to create the perfect tribute.

At Magnolia & Rose Florist 2210 we’ll make your wreath by hand using the freshest flowers and deliver with care and sensitivity on time anywhere in Magnolia & Rose florist 2210 and all of the surrounding areas.